The Pre-treatment For New Cooling / Boiler Water System
As you know, if a new building vessel is going to be delivered without any pretreatment or cleaning for boiler and cooling system, it will take much additional time and cost to make water quality tally with normal control level.
Do you know that how serious damage will be caused to system and devices if the new system is put into use directly without any prewash and pretreatment.
Water Quality From Shipyard
想像一下船廠供給系統(tǒng)的水質吧 !
River Water 河水
High content of impurity 高度污染,雜質很多
Rich of mud 大量的淤泥
Underground Water 地下水
Clean but with high calcium hardness 較干凈但鈣硬度高
Easy to form scale 容易結垢
Tap water 自來水
Most water source of shipyard in China 中國大多數(shù)的船廠采用的水源
Clean but with high chloride 較干凈但氯化物含量很高
High Chloride lead to corrosion 高含量氯化物導致腐蝕
Content some additive like Fluorine 水中含有氟等添加劑
Impurity for water 水質的不純凈
Cleaning For Cooling Water System
• Feed water line 給水管路
• Expansion Tank 膨脹水柜
• Pipe line to all components管路通至個單元
• Cooler 冷卻器
• Engine cooling & the other machinery cooling space
主輔機冷卻 & 其他機器冷卻空間
Cleaning For Boiler Water System
• Feed water line 給水管路
• Boiler water drum & tubes 鍋爐水腔和爐管
• Steam line蒸汽管路
• Heating elements ( Coil) 加熱單元
• Steam return line蒸汽回管
• Condenser 冷凝器
• Cascade Tank & Hot well 熱水井
What do you clean the system by ?
• Product Description產(chǎn)品描述
Commissioning Cleaner is a multifunctional water based cleaner. It is the new generation in one step cleaner product. Low foaming.
Commissioning Cleaner 是一款水基型的多功能清潔劑。新一代全功能低泡型清潔產(chǎn)品。
• Applications應用
Commissioning Cleaner is for cleaning of new boiler & engine cooling system on board new buildings. It will remove scale, rust, oil and grease at the same time from the systems.The product is recirculated through the system, using an external circulation pump.
Commissioning Cleaner 是用來清洗新船的鍋爐水系統(tǒng)及主付機冷卻系統(tǒng)??梢酝瑫r去除系統(tǒng)里的水垢,銹,油脂等。此清潔劑可以通過外接循環(huán)泵進行系統(tǒng)循環(huán)清洗。
• Directions of Use and Dose Rates使用方法及劑量
Use the dosage 5-10% solution depending on the grade of contamination and circulate for 8-12 hrs
How is the cleaning efficiency ?
Vessel name船名 : MV CSL St-Laurent
Ship’s owner船東 : Canada steamship line
Location地點 : Zhoushan YangFan Shipyard 舟山楊帆船廠
Time時間 : 16-17 Nov 2014
System系統(tǒng) : HT & LT Cooling system 高溫&低溫冷卻系統(tǒng)
How is the cleaning efficiency ?
How is the cleaning efficiency ?
How is the cleaning efficiency ?
How is the cleaning efficiency ?
After 12 hrs with circulating 10% commissioning cleaner under 40 ℃
How is the cleaning efficiency ?
How is the cleaning efficiency ?
After 12 hrs with circulating 10% commissioning cleaner under 40 o C
Start the initial chemical dosage maintenance after cleaning
• Engine Cooling Water Treatment 主付機冷卻水處理 Follow the chemical manual for the initial dosage rate 初始計量請參照化學品手冊 Dose the chemical to expansion tank and ensure the good circulation.系統(tǒng)循環(huán)運行時 在冷卻器或循環(huán)泵添加化學品到系統(tǒng) It can be used the following.以下化學品可以 使用。 Rocor NB Nalfleet 9-108 Nalfleet 2000 Cooltreat AL Test the boiler water and adjust the dosage if any 日常進行化驗并且調整投藥量 |
• Boiler Water Treatment 鍋爐水處理 Follow the chemical manual for the initial dosage rate 初始計量請參照化學品手冊 Dose the chemical to feed water line or direct to boiler system by dosing unit . 使用 化學品投藥設備加藥至鍋爐補水管線或直接 至鍋爐本體 It can be used the following.以下化學品可以 使用。 1) Autotreat +Oxygen Scavenger Plus 2) Liquitreat +Condensate control 3)Alkalinity control + Condensate control+ Hardness control + Oxygen control ( OSP) 4) Multiplus + Oxymate Test the boiler water and adjust the dosage if any 日常進行化驗并且調整投藥量 |
Place/ 地點: 長興中海船廠
Date/ 日期: 2016 年 年 3 月 月 5 號—3 月 月 7 號
Vessel/ 船名: ZHONG XING HAI- 中興海
檢查人員: 機務陳 東強, 三管輪呂龍威, WSS PSE
● Liquitreat
● Condensate Control
● 設計壓力: 8 公斤
● 蒸發(fā)量: 油側 1500公斤 /小時 ,氣側1300公斤/小時
● 爐水容量: 9.04 t
應對 措施:加長循環(huán)時間
預計 清洗 時間:48小時
實際 清洗 時間:70小時 (污水接收單位/船廠/ 船東協(xié)調未果,污水接收
單位只接收了2-3噸污水,之后等待了將近一天也無人來接收污水。 與船
3/5 號 20:00-0800 加第一批藥劑, 清洗施工隊需要購買循環(huán)泵.浸泡一晚
3/6 號 0800-1300 清洗施工隊準備泵浦, 連接.
1300-1900 循環(huán), 加第二批藥劑.
1900-0800 浸泡
3/7 號 0800-1600 循環(huán).
1630-1800 污水接收單位接收第一批污水, 大概 2-3 噸.
3/8 號 1800-1500 由于船東, 船 廠, 接收單位沒有協(xié)調一致. 污水接收單位
污水接收單位沒有來接收污水. 浸泡.
1500-1700 和機務協(xié)商, 把污水排放到污水柜.
1700-1900 打開道門檢查, 沖洗.
1900-2100 加水, 然后堿化中和
驗時,發(fā)現(xiàn)水樣含有垢類沉淀是正?,F(xiàn)象. 保持排污頻率.
Coagulant 一起使用,該藥劑可以使淤泥保持在小顆粒狀態(tài),易于排污.
● Liquitreat:2.4 L/ ton ,可以使P.alkainity 上升到200 ppm
● Condensate Control:0.65L /day, 使PH 保持在 8.5-9.2
● Boiler Coagulant : 20 ml/ ton 每天,使用時每天排污?
該輪現(xiàn)用爐水處理劑方案: Liquitreat + Condensate Control
Liquitreat 中除氧劑成份為 亞硫酸鈉,該成份為傳統(tǒng)除氧劑,能快速和氧發(fā)生反應生成硫酸鈉從而達到除氧目的。 該除氧成份沒有鈍化功能,不能揮發(fā)到蒸汽管路中從而形成保護,硫酸鈉會增加電導率,所以要求船員必須嚴格按照排污程序每天進行鍋爐排污從而減少水垢和腐蝕的產(chǎn)生。
推薦使用Autotreat + Oxygen Scavenger Plus,方便船員使用管理
1. Oxygen Scavenger Plus 成份為二乙基羥胺,該化學品不會增加爐水電導率,揮發(fā)性強,可以隨蒸汽進入冷凝系統(tǒng)從而對整齊冷凝系統(tǒng)有一個全面除氧保護,該品毒性極低且能和氧氣快速反映。
2. Autotreat 中含有DEHA(二乙醇胺),該成份能揮發(fā)到蒸汽管路中形成弱堿性的氨水從而保護整個冷凝和給水系統(tǒng)。
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